Join the JASWDC Haiku Group!

led by haiku poet and author, Abigail Friedman

Experience the beauty of haiku and hone your haiku-writing skills at the Japan-America Society of Washington DC Haiku Group!

Join us at this month’s extra-special meeting, as following our “kukai” haiku sharing portion, we will move across the street to the National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) to practice “ekphrastic” haiku: haiku inspired by a work of art.

This haiku group, or kukai, provides a platform for writers of haiku to come together and develop their craft in a fun, friendly atmosphere. Following a format similar to that of Japanese haiku groups, participants will bring to the session three haiku poems in English that they have written beforehand.  The group then shares each haiku anonymously around the room without critique. Following this, each participant will select their favorites among all they have read on that day. As for the rest, come to the group to find out!

Led by esteemed haiku poet and author Abigail Friedman, the group meets once every two months. More details on how a kukai functions will be explained at the group itself.

The group will meet at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, located at 901 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001:


Date: Saturday, March 8th, 2025

Time: 2:30 – 4:30 pm (EST)

**Please note: Given the unique nature of the kukai process, it is essential that attendees please arrive on time, no later than 2:30 pm.

Location: 401-D Conference Room, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

followed by The National Portrait Gallery/(SAAM) at 8th St NW & G St NW, Washington, DC 20001


Haiku theme: “Springtime”

Number of Haiku: Bring three English-language haiku you have composed


2:30-3:30 pm: Anonymous sharing of haiku

3:30 pm – 4:30pm: Walk across the street to the National Portrait Gallery/(SAAM) to practice “ekphrastic” haiku: haiku inspired by a work of art.

The group will visit a room in the museum and draft haiku inspired by art. Abigail will provide additional explanation and instructions at the meeting.

We will aim to end at 4:30 but those who wish, may stay on and enjoy the museum.

For more details regarding “ekphrastic” haiku:, please see below: