Tanabata: The Japanese Star Festival

Tanabata, the Japanese Star Festival, celebrates the legend of Orihime, the weaver princess, and Hikoboshi, the herder. These lovers, separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet just once a year on the seventh day of the seventh...

J-Book Club: Floating Clouds, Fumiko Hayashi

In this month’s J-Book Club, Fumiko Hayashi tells the powerful story of tormented love and one woman’s struggle to navigate the cruel realities of postwar Japan. The novel’s characters, particularly its resilient heroine, Koda Yukiko, find themselves trapped in...

おうちごはん!Ouchigohan! Japanese Home Cooking – Dorayaki

The July edition of the family-friendly online Japanese cooking class おうちごはん!Ouchigohan! – Japanese Home Cooking will feature a classic Japanese confection — dorayaki (どら焼き)! Dorayaki sandwiches anko (餡子) red bean paste between two castella pancakes for the perfect on-the-go snack or...